New beginnings

Day in and out we try to re-invent products, ideas, ideologies, but when do we take the time to re-invent ourselves?  I know, it sounds cliche’, but as we grow older and get wiser, we let go off habits and ideas that may not be the best for us.  We shed our younger thoughts, clothes, hair styles etc. for a more defined us.  I find myself doing so in my mind often, especially when the new year comes around.  I begin the year with fresh ideas to change my appearance or ways and because it is a fleeting thought, it doesn’t last beyond the end of January.  I have begun to be comfortable in my own skin and like it.  If I choose to change the thoughts of the day or clothing idea of last week, I do it.  I no longer sit and wait for a time of year to “Spring clean” my life.  I take each day to shed my old skin and emerge as a beautiful butterfly.  Take some time today, next week, next month to look over your life and decide to change or enhance only what you want to.  Choose to become a new you.  Choose to have a new beginning.  Your body, mind and soul will thank you!



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